Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pop Art/ Rwanda Child

I took one of the images of the Rwanda children and applied Andy Warhol's "pop art" effect to it. I desaturated the image, used the levels adjustment and filled the sections with different colors.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Three Images of Six Series- The U.N.

I took an image of where the UN leaders meet and added pictures of the soldiers to the TVs. I faded images of the poor Tutsi children and the Hutu soldiers on the side, showing that the UN could have helped them.

I took an image of the UN logo and removed the parts of the earth that was in it. I incorporated the world to give it a more realistic look. 

This is the entrance to the UN building. I added the letters "UN" and the arrow to the road. I adjusted the opacity of different parts of the "UN" to make it appear on the road better.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I used the word "compassion". It conveys the feeling that Paul, in Hotel Rwanda, had for his family and all the Tutsies he was protecting. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Movie Poster

At the top I put images of the three main actors' faces. I used the image of Don Cheadle, because it is as if he is saying "shh" to keep it a secret that there are Tutsies hiding in his hotel. The image of Sophie shows her anxiousness and concern for her family's safety. Nick Nolte has a stern look as he is the commander of the U.N. I used the shape of Rwanda as the "O" in hotel. The image at the bottom shows Paul (Cheadle) standing infront of all the people he is trying to save, as he hopelessly watches the U.N. drive away.


bottom screen shot

Monday, March 19, 2012


Try our slideshow maker at Animoto.

This is the video I made on Animoto, with some of my projects.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hidden Face

I took one of the images we've learned about in Art History, "The Tempest," and added two faces to it. Can you find them?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I used an image of a cat mask with blue and gold/yellow on it. I copied and pasted many different images  of blue into the blue parts, trying to keep the highlights. I mostly used images of cats for that. I put a lot of yellow flower images for the yellow part. I also added an eye in the mask.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I took images of my friend's hands in different shapes. I put them together using different sizes. I overlaid colors using different blend modes. For the frame, I made many copies of a hand and added different effects on it.


I drew this cat using photoshop and a tablet. I colored it and everything using the tablet and different brush strokes. I also took the planet and reflected it in the cat's eye. The background is an image I found, but could create with time. I call this "Naive" because the cat is looking out into outer space, not knowing everything that's really out there in the whole galaxy.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I love scenes of planets, outer space and blue, so I thought it would be fun to make one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I added all the images of places and things I think make up Charlottesville. Famous for UVA and Monticello where Jefferson lived. I blended all the images together to display it. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Make Over

I used a number of techniques to fix this woman up. I whitened her teeth and whites of her eyes, removed some freckles/ blemishes. I softened her skin after removing the wrinkles. I also made the color of her eyes a little now intense.