Thursday, April 19, 2012


I used the word "compassion". It conveys the feeling that Paul, in Hotel Rwanda, had for his family and all the Tutsies he was protecting. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hotel Rwanda Movie Poster

At the top I put images of the three main actors' faces. I used the image of Don Cheadle, because it is as if he is saying "shh" to keep it a secret that there are Tutsies hiding in his hotel. The image of Sophie shows her anxiousness and concern for her family's safety. Nick Nolte has a stern look as he is the commander of the U.N. I used the shape of Rwanda as the "O" in hotel. The image at the bottom shows Paul (Cheadle) standing infront of all the people he is trying to save, as he hopelessly watches the U.N. drive away.


bottom screen shot